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December 14, 2010


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Anne Madden, a church friend of the Lorangs

Amen! So beautifully put! Aimee's earthly life is complete. God's plan for her time on earth is complete, and we can rejoice that Aimee finished His plan and is now enjoying God's heavenly plan for her, for which we long as well. Sometimes I envy those who have moved from this earth, but then I remember that I still have God's work to do here, and it will all unfold in His time. I am so happy for Aimee, even if I still endure the earthly mourning with and for her family and friends.


i love you forever, aimee!

Anne Lorang

Well said - Amen! :)
Since the accident, I've been very aware that God knew the day He would give Aimee to us, as well as the day He would take her back (or any of us, for that matter). I'm so grateful for our time together!
As much as we miss Aimee, there is a little of her in all of us; the thought of her in Heaven eases our loss. I sometimes remind myself that she was never meant to be here in this time and place, even though we assumed she would be.
I know it'll be a lot of fun when we see her again!

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