Those were Anne's words as she sent us all this photo of Aimee's headstone.
And I am echoing those words, in a different sense. Seeing that so many people who visit this blog have gotten here by searching Aimee's name, I have now marked all the posts regarding those grace-laden events with the category "Aimee Lorang." If you have come to read the snippets of that story recorded here, you can click on the category link and see all the posts on that subject.
I hope that helps some of you. You can also send the link to others who have asked and they can read the whole story, without having to "previous page" through stuff they do not care to read.
I think may be interested in this.
A free online memorial to Aimee. You can leave "Flowers" and prayers, sponser page so no ads appear, add pictures, you can also ask the admin of the page to transfer it to you so you can put in more and/or correct information about Aimee. It is a good site, the people on there are great and very helpful.
Posted by: C.S. | January 06, 2010 at 02:09 AM