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January 18, 2008


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"It's a start," she says!

Good Lord, we sit here trying to pretend that everything's just ducky so that Mom will not call a family conference, or so Dad will not haul out a lecture straight from the Ice Age (50s).

Other than praying Grace before meals religiously wherever we are about to eat --here, at neighbors' and friends' houses, or in restaurants, or during sports or Scouts banquets, etc., which we've inadvertently exported via other kids (and grandkids) who dine/d here, we pray together usually only at Mass, funerals, baptisms, First Communions and Confirmations, Reconciliation services, etc., and here at home on Thanksgiving, Easter and Christmas. Sometimes on anniversaries, too, but silently then, while we light the tall candle and recall all that has happened, and all that hasn't, since 1983.

And if I had it to do over again, yes, it would be different. But I don't and won't have it to do over again, so may it be a lesson to other moms (and dads) to not underestimate or to not entrust to others what is one of the most important things kids can take into the future with them one day. They'll need their own strong prayers of Catholicism, as well as a family's love (and memories and photographs)-- in college, in work places, in marriage, and in their own birthing beds and bassinettes to come.

God bless.


Ha! I'm feeling like the next post needs to describe how simple and brief these "prayer times" really are, lest people get the idea that we are living some kind of deep monastic prayer-life!

But it's good for you to share your perspective and remind us that we only have one chance to do this; the kids move out and all we've done and not done is done. It isn't that we don't still have any influence, but our opportunity to establish certain habits has passed and we move to spending more time on our knees and making gentle suggestions so that they'll establish the right habits of their own.

We only give them the materials for a decent foundation - they and God must establish that foundation and build their own edifice, no?


Yes. And it's funny.. they mostly think we did everything right. And they're nice kids. Overly tattooed, but nice. And they're making sure their kids, at least, have the Sacraments. So, a great deal of the agony only I feel, has been worth it.


Your descriptions of your family's prayer time sound much like ours, very simple yet reverently attentive to Jesus and His Mother. Have a great day and I look forward to the follow up post! I'm so glad you decided to do this blog :) Blessings,

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