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January 19, 2008


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Hmm, your pastor's remark puts me in mind of the nuns whose angel stamps on my husband's perfectly correct and carefully neat papers for such a small boy -- yet bearing one erasure or thumbprint -- always read something like, "A good try!" Anyway, it all sounds wonderful, Kathryn.


> Wonderful and a great kindness of you to open and share your
> mothering in the Catholic tradition. I have often longed to ask
> others and wished I were a fly on the wall when I see families
> that are so different than the cultural norm and in a positive
> way!! May your message of hope reach all who seek a little more
> direction in our vocation of mothers, mentors and friends to each
> other. I'm so glad you sent it to me- it is the hope I have had
> for a long time that I would learn to do just what your site
> says- breath in the rhythm of the church, personally and as a family.
> Thank you!!!
> Janet

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