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January 30, 2008


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Diana K.


Is there anywhere local I could quickly get hold of some sheets of beeswax? We have had lots of appts this week....sort of snuck up on me.

Love your blog!


In the past, I have found them at Michael's and Hobby Lobby, though this may not be consistent. I didn't order any either, and have been snowed in! I'm hoping to pick some up before Saturday.

If I can't find beeswax, I'm willing to make some other kind of candle with the kids, but I think a discussion of why the Church uses beeswax is in order while we make them, whatever material we use.

Incidentally, you can look up "candles" at newadvent.org for a thorough explanation of, well, candles; beeswax is discussed there.

A blessed Candlemas to you!

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